Monday, October 12, 2009

Hold on, I'm comin' -----back, that is.
One of these days.

The truth is, and I may have mentioned this before,
I have a chronic pain condition, which hits when and where it pleases.
This fall has been particularly bad for me, and according to my
rheumatologist, bad for everyone with this condition.
So, no, I'm not giving up on this blog, nor am I ignoring it.
Just waiting until I feel well enough to get back at it.
I've even got five or six posts' worth of pictures edited and ready to go.
It's a matter of getting the stupid pain quieted down enough to be able to sit in my
desk chair long enough to write them.
And the energy to have something to say other than 'give me DRUGS!"

But I will be back soon. I have high hopes for the new set of drugs
they're trying me on.
Until then, when I can, I'm still cooking and baking when I feel up to it.

See you soon.